The STAR Project (est. 1999) is an award-winning community organisation that delivers long lasting positive social outcomes, building safer, more connected and resilient communities in Renfrewshire.
Our work focuses on tackling the impacts of poverty, deprivation and associated stigma prevalent in our communities through a systemic approach to building resilience. In the heart of the multiply deprived area, where individuals and families face well documented challenges, we facilitate opportunity and aspiration, boost life chances, engender community ownership and celebrate every success.
Our unique wraparound way of working allows us to see the person, not a label, not a statistic, which ultimately makes people feel safe and accepted and ready to take a step towards realising their potential. No other service in Renfrewshire, that we are aware of, supports community members in such a comprehensive and effective way.
13,896 engagements with opportunities supporting emotional health and daily living needs, recognising we all have a right to thrive
2,137 engagements with creative, cultural and playful opportunities, improving capacity through exploration, learning, and expression of self and community
5,904 engagements with opportunities recognising the loss or lack of social and personal connections, reducing isolation and improving peer support, networks and sense of community
60 Volunteers gifted us 6,420 hours or 917 working days of their time
11,830 engagements supported 5,308 people with food, equipment/products, vouchers, and cash payments
302 Tea Bags (recipe kits via Pantry Plus) were bought/paid forward, providing 1,560 nutritious meals
Learn MoreThe writer and director Alfred Hitchcock was quoted as saying… “Puns are the highest form of literature”. As such, you can never underestimate the power of a pun to engage your audience.
Learn MoreHolding those in power accountable through community action
Learn MoreSince forming STAR Project back in 1999, tackling food insecurity in a dignified way has always been of utmost importance to us.
Learn MoreA Community Based Therapeutic Arts Intervention
Learn MoreStar Project weekly workshops around the Cost of Living Crisis
Learn MoreBy Michael McCready (CFP Assistant)
Learn MoreBy Linzi Clark
Learn MoreBy Sam Roberts, Training & Development Coordinator
Read MoreIn March 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we successfully rolled out our newly adapted digital programme and launched our Renfrewshire-wide emergency response.
Learn More“Invisible threads are the strongest ties”
Learn More20 Years of STAR! 1999 -2019
Learn MoreSTAR Project receives £12,000 boost from Postcode Local Trust
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